Monday, November 30, 2009


Fully 73% of texting teens ages 16-17 have been in a car when the driver was texting.

texting while driving

driving and texting among teens

Overall, 34% of teen texters ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving. That translates into 26% of all American teens ages 16-17.

visual graph

cells and texting

75% of all American teens ages 12-17 own a cell phone, and 66% use their phones to send or receive text messages.

Monday, November 23, 2009

limiting the damage of free downloading

Through digital fingerprinting and other tracking technologies, the record labels are monitoring copyrighted content as closely as ever and are counting on two major new strategies to help them: First, is a landmark partnership with internet service providers to monitor file sharing activity and potentially cut off service to the worst offenders. Second, is a series of partnerships with universities that would incorporate music subscription fees (predicted to be less than five dollars per student) into student tuition bills.26 If successful, a similar ISP-based fee could be implemented for the general public

internet downloading could have been profit for the music industry

The industry missed an opportunity to turn informal file-sharing into a profit center when it failed to buy Napster, the first of the popular downloading services, when it had a chance in 2000.

reason the internet demand grew

Internet scholar Lawrence Lessig has even gone so far as to argue that music was the most important catalyst to early adoption of the internet. As he notes in Free Culture, “The appeal of file-sharing music was the crack cocaine of the Internet’s growth. It drove demand for access to the Internet more powerfully than anything else

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

my thoughts on khazei

Alan Khazei impressed me with his dedication and passion about his new healthcare plan. his oratory skills were good too as well as the sound of the plan. however, one question he failed to answer is, what about his plan will convince those of opposing beliefs that this is the right thing to do?

what Alan khazei brings to the table

Alan Khazei, the nonprofit leader who is hoping to succeed Edward M. Kennedy as a Democratic senator from Massachusetts, is highlighting his national-service work in two new advertisements.

alan khazei

Alan Khazei

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

is there a strong correlation between race, education and being online??

though, to some degree, there is a correlation between income, education and those whom are online. but overall statistics are staring to show that people are linked to the web regardless of race, class or ethnicity.

11th and 12th grade

94% of 11th and 12th graders are online.

demographics online

while 89% of hispanic teens are online and 87% of white teens are online, only 77% of african american teens are online.

percentage of teens online by grade

Friday, October 23, 2009

global warming unbelief

i dont think this whole global warming issue is a very tangible problem. in other words, people dont really feel it, especially in places like New England, with shorter summers and longer winters it doesnt quite add up. i also feel that people dont necessarily want to believe it. its an overwhelming concept and solving it would drain a lot of resources that frankly, i dont think people are ready to deal with.

global warming

solid evidence that the earth is warming

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

internet users more engaged poitically

Those who use blogs and social networking sites as an outlet for civic engagement are far more active in traditional realms of political and nonpolitical participation than are other internet users. In addition, they are even more active than those who do not use the internet at all.

social networking/political involvement

Some 37% of internet users aged 18-29 use blogs or social networking sites as a venue for political or civic involvement

communicating by social networks

24% of online social network site users who are involved in a political or community group have communicated with the group using a social networking site.

Donating Online

More donations rendered to political groups are made via online, especially the larger donations

Texting in Politics

17% of cell phone owners who are involved in a political or community group have communicated with the group via text messaging on a cell phone or PDA.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

election resources


E Online

Monday, October 5, 2009

pew technology facts/observations

1. 78% of college graduates are connected to the internet. and 82% of people who make 75k annually are connected to high speed internet

2. 39% of high school graduates are connected to high speed internet but 63% are connected to
internet or email.

3. 80% of english speaking spanish people report owning cell phones. 79% of whites own one and 73% of blacks own one.

4. 92% of people who make 75k or more per year own cell phones.


pew internet graph

degrees of access