Monday, October 5, 2009

pew technology facts/observations

1. 78% of college graduates are connected to the internet. and 82% of people who make 75k annually are connected to high speed internet

2. 39% of high school graduates are connected to high speed internet but 63% are connected to
internet or email.

3. 80% of english speaking spanish people report owning cell phones. 79% of whites own one and 73% of blacks own one.

4. 92% of people who make 75k or more per year own cell phones.



  1. 78% of college graduates are connected to highspeed internet goes to show that there is, in some shape way or form, a correlation between internet use and educated people. this is further proven in the statistic that states 82% of people who earn 75k a year are connected to high speed internet.

  2. this is an interesting statistic that i actually find hard to believe. my highschool experience i would guess more highschool kids are connected to highspeed internet. studies show it is only 39%. that seems low, especially this day in age.

  3. i would have guessed whites would be leading the cell phone category, basically because cell phones are considered luxuries that many minorities cannot afford. though this is surprising to me, it also says a lot about the times we are in today

  4. 92% of people who make 75k annually own cell phones. this sounds about right. and the only reason i feel it isn't 99% is because there are probably some elderly people who are very old-school and dont use cell phones like my father
